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Sanosuke is happy when fighting, hanging out with his friends, but most of all eating.

Sano loves fish.

Kenshin better not do anything bad again.

Dragon Gundam, Piloted by Sai Saici.

Sai Saici. The comedian of the show.

The Ace of Clubs crest, and Sai Saici's rank among fighters.

Hiei. The lone wolf of the group.

Hiei's ultimate attack: Dragon of the Darkness Flame.

The down side to his technique, it leaves him crippled.

The Group of Yu Yu Hakusho havin dinner

One of the few times Hiei smiles without killing something

Party Time!

Pinics are fun as long as there are no ruffians around!

Protoman makes a comeback, and he's ready to kick some butt!

Protoman getting ready to strike! He perfers to use a sword to a gun.

Protoman standing, ready for anything.

Left:Protoman Right:Protoman's owner, Chaud

Sorry this pic is crappy looking, but it was a small pic of Protoman on a Motorcycle with his sword.